
Your Skills Development Journey’ as a PGR student

Audience: PG research

Date: Tuesday 4 February 2025

Times: 11.00 to 12.30

Key details: In Person Workshop - Venue TBC

Course information

This one-hour and a half workshop would take students through both the Graduate Attributes portal and Vitae Researcher Development Framework in order to help them reflect on the skills they have developed as PGR students and articulate their skills development journeys. This will be particularly useful for PGR students thinking ahead to job applications and/or postdoctoral fellowship applications, as well as to PGRs beginning their degrees or writing about their skills development journey for annual review paperwork. PGRs would be encouraged to reflect on not only the skills they’ve developed or hope to develop as researchers, but also through the other activities they may have been involved with other the course of their degrees and before, such as part-time work.


Matilda Nevin


Kinnessburn, room XL

Course provider

Email: ielli@st-andrews.ac.uk