Terms and conditions
Course etiquette
- Arrive on time (at least 5 minutes before start of course) Delaying the start of courses to wait for late participants wastes everyone's time. Courses will start at the advertised time and participants arriving late may be excluded from joining the course.
- Sign-in on the Attendance Register, otherwise you will be marked down as a "non-attendee". Please note that it is your responsibility to remember to sign in on arrival (or departure).
- Expect to stay for the whole course - if you cannot stay for the whole course, e.g. because of other work commitments, please don't book a place.
- Complete your feedback form (if one is provided) and either return at the end of the course or send to CAPOD.
Booking and attendance policy
If you are member of staff, please remember you should have gained approval from your manager prior to booking on any course.
If you find you are unable to attend a course on which you have booked, please cancel your place to make it available to others. To do this, select my training record. Log in with your email user name and password, find the relevant course in the list, and click the 'Cancel booking' link. You should cancel at least 2 days in advance of the event, so that we can reallocate your place to someone on the waiting list. If you need to cancel at very short notice please email the course organiser (these details are in your training record).
Individuals who book places on courses and then fail to turn up (without cancelling their place) will be noted and will receive lowest priority when places are being allocated on further courses. Persistent 'no-shows' will result in contact with one's School or supervisor as appropriate to discuss the impact of this pattern of behaviour.
Data protection and privacy
Your personal data held on PDMS will only be used in connection with the management of your bookings and attendances. Your personal data will be handled in accordance with the University privacy policy.
In some cases, in order to ensure effective delivery of our services, we may supply limited personal data to external/third party service providers, such as presenters and instructors. In all cases we will have an agreement in place with these third parties to ensure that they maintain your privacy and the security of your personal data, and to ensure their compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.