Programme requirements (2020/2021) | Master of Arts (Honours) Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and English | University of 91¹û¶³ÊÓƵ


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Master of Arts (Honours) Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and English

MA (Hons) English (Triple Honours): First Year
Code Module name Credits
View list 40 credits from Module List: EN1003, EN1004, CO1001, CO1002
Culture and Conflict: An Introduction to Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Literature 20
Explorers and Revolutionaries: Literature 1680 - 1830 20
The Nineteenth-Century Novel 20
Drama in the Twentieth and Twenty-first Centuries 20
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year

MA (Hons) German (Triple Honours): First Year
Code Module name Credits
(( First Level German A 1 20 AND
First Level German A 2 20 ) OR
( First Level German B 1 20 AND
First Level German B 2 20 ))

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year

MA (Hons) Spanish (Triple Honours): First Year
Code Module name Credits
(( Spanish Language and Texts 1 20 AND
Spanish Language and Texts 2 20 ) OR
( Spanish for Beginners 1 20 AND
Spanish for Beginners 2 20 ))

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year

MA (Hons) English (Triple Honours): Second Year
Code Module name Credits
^ Medieval and Renaissance Texts 20 AND
^ Drama: Reading and Performance 20

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year
Choose a minimum of 80 Level 2000 credits

Automatic entry to Honours requires

  • pass and have an average grade 11 or better in modules marked ^
MA (Hons) German (Triple Honours): Second Year
Code Module name Credits
(( Second Level Advanced German Language 1 10 AND
Second Level Advanced German Language 2 10 ) OR
( Second Level Ex-Beginners German Language 1 10 AND
Second Level Ex-Beginners German Language 2 10 )) AND
View list At least 20 credits from Module List: GM2011 - GM2014
The Age of Goethe 10
Unification to the First World War 10
Medieval German Language and Literature 10
Weimar Republic:1918-1933 10
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year
Choose a minimum of 80 Level 2000 credits

Students must take at least 40 credits in German.

Automatic entry to Honours requires

  • An average grade of 11 in all German modules taken
MA (Hons) Spanish (Triple Honours): Second Year
Code Module name Credits
( Spanish Language and Critical Approaches to Texts 1 20 OR
Spanish Language and Texts: ex-Beginners 20 ) AND
Spanish Language and Critical Approaches to Texts 2 20

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in the academic year
Choose a minimum of 80 Level 2000 credits

Automatic entry to Honours requires

  • An average grade of 11 in all Spanish modules taken.

Entry to Honours

Students who meet the requirements specified above, and who meet all other programme requirements, will be given automatic entry into Honours programmes.

See: )

MA Honours

The general requirements are 480 credits over a period of normally four years (and not more than five years) or part-time equivalent, of which the final two years form an approved Honours programme of 240 credits, of which 90 credits are at 4000 or 5000 level and at least a further 120 credits at 3000 and/or 4000 or 5000 levels.

MA (Hons) English (Triple Honours): Third Year
Code Module name Credits
View list Between 0 and 90 credits from Module List: EN3000 - EN4999 (excluding EN4398 - EN4399, EN4794 - EN4797)
Beowulf 30
EN3112 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales 30
Older Scots Literature to 1560 30
Tragedy in the Age of Shakespeare 30
Renaissance Literature: Texts and Contexts 30
EN3161 The Development of the Novel to 1840 30
Revolution and Romanticism: Literature, History and Society (1789-1805) 30
The Younger Romantics: Poetry and Prose (1810 - 1830) 30
'Loose Baggy Monsters': The Rise and Fall of the Victorian Novel 30
EN3166 Victorian Poetry's Voices 30
Literary Theory 30
Literature and Ecology 30
Twentieth-Century British and Irish Drama 30
Modernist Literature: Making It New? 30
Postcolonial Literature and Theory 30
The Country and the City in Scottish Literature 30
Atomic Cultures: Anglophone Writing and the Global Cold War 30
Modern Experimental Poetry 30
Writing Poetry 30
EN3218 Material Texts: an Introduction to Book History 30
Reading Popular Music 30
EN4312 Authorising English: Society, Gender and Religion in Late Medieval English Literature 30
EN4314 Old English Afterlives: Literary Anglo-Saxonism 30
Apocalyptic Literature in Early English 30
Courtly Literature in Middle English 30
EN4341 Renaissance Sexualities: Rhetoric and the Body 1580 - 1660 30
EN4342 Restoration Drama in Context 30
Early English Romance Comedy: Shakespeare and his Contemporaries 30
EN4345 Hard Cases: Literary Complexity from Donne to Pope 30
The Early Tudors: Literature and Reformation 30
Milton 30
EN4348 Bodies and Selves in the Renaissance 30
EN4349 Renaissance Sonnets 30
EN4350 Women and Authorship in Renaissance England 30
EN4351 Translating the Renaissance: England and Europe in the Age of Shakespeare 30
EN4352 The Social Network: Literary Communities in Seventeenth-Century England 30
EN4361 The Novels of Jane Austen in Context 30
Mind, Body and Soul: Literature in the Enlightenment 30
The Art of Victorian Poetry 30
Literature and Childhood in the Eighteenth Century 30
EN4366 Byron's Long Poems and Dramas 30
Romantic Gothic 30
Read all about it! Victorian Literature and the Press 30
Victorian Literature and Science 30
Voicing America: Colonisation to Civil War 30
EN4371 Forming Freedom: African-American Writing 30
Labour, leisure and luxury in British and transatlantic literature of the eighteenth century 30
Material Culture in Victorian and Modernist Fiction 30
Speeches and Speechwriting: History, Theory and Practice 30
EN4403 Medievalism 30
Contemporary Poetry in Great Britain and Ireland 30
Contemporary Fiction 30
Twentieth-Century Crime Fiction: Gender and Genre 30
Reading the 1940s 30
EN4415 T.S. Eliot 30
Virginia Woolf 30
Writing Poetry and Prose 30
American Poetry since 1950 30
American Fiction: Self and Nation (1865 - 1939) 30
Writing Prose 30
EN4422 Poetic Language 30
EN4423 Material Culture in Victorian and Modernist Fiction 30
EN4424 Nationalists and Nomads: Contemporary World Literature 30
Celtic Modernisms 30
EN4426 Civil Wars on Page and Screen 30
The Shape of the Poem 30
Making Performance 30
EN4432 Poetry and Cinema 30
Black and Asian British Writing 30
EN4434 Literature and Culture of Sport 30
Writing the Pacific 30
Playwriting 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year

MA English (Triple Honours) Third and Fourth Year Programme Requirements:
90 credits in 3 of: EN3000 - EN4999, (EN4398 and ID4002 - in Fourth Year only);
MA (Hons) German (Triple Honours): Third Year
Code Module name Credits
German Language 1 15 AND
German Language 2 15 AND
View list Between 0 and 30 credits from Module List: GM3010 - GM3099, GM4000 - GM4095
GM3047 The Literature of Friedrich Nietzsche 15
GM3075 Thomas Mann - Doktor Faustus 15
GM3088 Travel Writing in German since 1990 15
GM3089 The German Gothic (1800 - 2000) 15
The Nazi Past in German Cultural Memory 15
Translation Methodology (German / English) 15
Medieval Things 15
GM4048 Art and the Artist in Modern German Culture 15
German Popular Music: Sound, Page and Screen 15
GM4057 Holocaust Memory Culture and Its Discontents 15
GM4058 Memory and the Archive in Contemporary German Culture 15
GM4070 Writing Nature: German Environmental Thought (1800 - 2000) 15
GM4071 Shakespeare: the German Catalyst 15
German Classicism 15
GM4073 Women in German Letters 15
GM4074 Medieval History 15
GM4075 Berlin: Modernity and the Metropolis 15
GM4078 Masculinities in Contemporary German Film, TV and Literature 15
GM4084 German Monsters 15
GM4089 Mermaids, Devils, Fortunes: How the German Novel Began 15
GM4092 East German Cinema 15
GM4094 The German Long Story (1880 - 1941) 15
Rethinking German Realism 1845 - 1898 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year

Students whose degree has a non Modern Language component should ensure that between 60 and 90 credits are taken in German over Third and Fourth Year.
MA (Hons) Spanish (Triple Honours): Third Year
Code Module name Credits
Spanish Language 1 15 AND
Spanish Language 2 15 AND
View list Between 0 and 60 credits from Module List: SP3000 - SP4299 (except SP4098, SP4099, SP4102), ML3201
Literary Translation 15
History of the Spanish Language 15
Spanish Integrated Year Abroad 60
SP3121 Spanish American Literature I (Gauchos and Indians) 15
Spanish American Literature 2 15
SP3123 Spanish Cinema (Topic) 15
SP3124 Spanish Cinema (Director) 15
Mexico in the Nineteenth Century 15
SP3140 Literature and Politics in Spain 1930 - 1939 15
SP3143 Cinema and Literature in Spain 1920 - 1936 15
Post-1975 Writing in Spain 1 15
SP3147 The Art of Subversion in Post-War Spain (1939-1975) 15
The Argentine and Chilean Avant-Garde (1920s-1930s) 15
SP3157 Autobiographical Writing in Twentieth-Century Spain 15
Representations of the Urban: Twentieth-Century Buenos Aires 15
SP3159 Gender and Violence in Golden Age Literature 15
Facing the New: Spanish Literature and Society (1888 - 1918) 15
SP3161 Rebels, Reactionaries, Reformers: Women Writers in Nineteenth-century Spain 15
SP3162 Strange Girls and Domestic Angels: Women's Writing in Spain 15
Tales of the Nation 15
SP3221 Language, Conflict and Society 15
Love and Loss 15
SP4012 Linguistic Study of the Spanish Language 15
Culture and Conflict: Representing the Spanish Civil War 15
SP4014 Spanish Avant-garde(s) 15
Action Heroes and Anti-heroes in Early-Modern Spain 15
SP4016 Contemporary Galician Women Writers 15
(R)evolutions in Early Modern Love Lyric: Perilous, Provocative, Parodic 15
SP4018 Spanish American Urban Landscapes in the Eyes of Contemporary Chroniclers 15
History and Culture in Spanish Texts 15
Reality and Illusion 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year

MA (Hons) English (Triple Honours): Fourth Year
Code Module name Credits
View list Between 0 and 90 credits from Module List: EN3000 - EN4999 (excluding EN4398) AND
Beowulf 30
EN3112 Chaucer's Canterbury Tales 30
Older Scots Literature to 1560 30
Tragedy in the Age of Shakespeare 30
Renaissance Literature: Texts and Contexts 30
EN3161 The Development of the Novel to 1840 30
Revolution and Romanticism: Literature, History and Society (1789-1805) 30
The Younger Romantics: Poetry and Prose (1810 - 1830) 30
'Loose Baggy Monsters': The Rise and Fall of the Victorian Novel 30
EN3166 Victorian Poetry's Voices 30
Literary Theory 30
Literature and Ecology 30
Twentieth-Century British and Irish Drama 30
Modernist Literature: Making It New? 30
Postcolonial Literature and Theory 30
The Country and the City in Scottish Literature 30
Atomic Cultures: Anglophone Writing and the Global Cold War 30
Modern Experimental Poetry 30
Writing Poetry 30
EN3218 Material Texts: an Introduction to Book History 30
Reading Popular Music 30
Crime and Passion in Popular Culture 1: To 1900 30
Crime and Passion in Popular Culture 2: Since 1900 30
EN4312 Authorising English: Society, Gender and Religion in Late Medieval English Literature 30
EN4314 Old English Afterlives: Literary Anglo-Saxonism 30
Apocalyptic Literature in Early English 30
Courtly Literature in Middle English 30
EN4341 Renaissance Sexualities: Rhetoric and the Body 1580 - 1660 30
EN4342 Restoration Drama in Context 30
Early English Romance Comedy: Shakespeare and his Contemporaries 30
EN4345 Hard Cases: Literary Complexity from Donne to Pope 30
The Early Tudors: Literature and Reformation 30
Milton 30
EN4348 Bodies and Selves in the Renaissance 30
EN4349 Renaissance Sonnets 30
EN4350 Women and Authorship in Renaissance England 30
EN4351 Translating the Renaissance: England and Europe in the Age of Shakespeare 30
EN4352 The Social Network: Literary Communities in Seventeenth-Century England 30
EN4361 The Novels of Jane Austen in Context 30
Mind, Body and Soul: Literature in the Enlightenment 30
The Art of Victorian Poetry 30
Literature and Childhood in the Eighteenth Century 30
EN4366 Byron's Long Poems and Dramas 30
Romantic Gothic 30
Read all about it! Victorian Literature and the Press 30
Victorian Literature and Science 30
Voicing America: Colonisation to Civil War 30
EN4371 Forming Freedom: African-American Writing 30
Labour, leisure and luxury in British and transatlantic literature of the eighteenth century 30
Material Culture in Victorian and Modernist Fiction 30
Dissertation in English 30
Speeches and Speechwriting: History, Theory and Practice 30
EN4403 Medievalism 30
Contemporary Poetry in Great Britain and Ireland 30
Contemporary Fiction 30
Twentieth-Century Crime Fiction: Gender and Genre 30
Reading the 1940s 30
EN4415 T.S. Eliot 30
Virginia Woolf 30
Writing Poetry and Prose 30
American Poetry since 1950 30
American Fiction: Self and Nation (1865 - 1939) 30
Writing Prose 30
EN4422 Poetic Language 30
EN4423 Material Culture in Victorian and Modernist Fiction 30
EN4424 Nationalists and Nomads: Contemporary World Literature 30
Celtic Modernisms 30
EN4426 Civil Wars on Page and Screen 30
The Shape of the Poem 30
Making Performance 30
EN4432 Poetry and Cinema 30
Black and Asian British Writing 30
EN4434 Literature and Culture of Sport 30
Writing the Pacific 30
Playwriting 30
Joint Dissertation (30cr) 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the entry for each individual module above
View list Between 0 and 30 credits from Module List: EN4398, ID4002
Short Dissertation 15
ID4002 Communication and Teaching in Arts and Humanities 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year

MA English (Triple Honours) Third and Fourth Year Programme Requirements:
90 credits in 3 of: EN3000 - EN4999, (EN4398 and ID4002 - in Fourth Year only);
MA (Hons) German (Triple Honours): Fourth Year
Code Module name Credits
German Language 3 15 AND
German Language 4 15 AND
View list Between 0 and 30 credits from Module List: GM3010 - GM3099, GM3103, GM4000 - GM4099, ML4794, ID4002
GM3047 The Literature of Friedrich Nietzsche 15
GM3075 Thomas Mann - Doktor Faustus 15
GM3088 Travel Writing in German since 1990 15
GM3089 The German Gothic (1800 - 2000) 15
The Nazi Past in German Cultural Memory 15
Translation Methodology (German / English) 15
Medieval Things 15
GM4048 Art and the Artist in Modern German Culture 15
German Popular Music: Sound, Page and Screen 15
GM4057 Holocaust Memory Culture and Its Discontents 15
GM4058 Memory and the Archive in Contemporary German Culture 15
GM4070 Writing Nature: German Environmental Thought (1800 - 2000) 15
GM4071 Shakespeare: the German Catalyst 15
German Classicism 15
GM4073 Women in German Letters 15
GM4074 Medieval History 15
GM4075 Berlin: Modernity and the Metropolis 15
GM4078 Masculinities in Contemporary German Film, TV and Literature 15
GM4084 German Monsters 15
GM4089 Mermaids, Devils, Fortunes: How the German Novel Began 15
GM4092 East German Cinema 15
GM4094 The German Long Story (1880 - 1941) 15
Rethinking German Realism 1845 - 1898 15
Post-Wall Cinema: The Berlin School and beyond 15
GM4098 Dissertation on German Topic 15
Long Dissertation on a German Topic 30
Joint Dissertation (30cr) 30
ID4002 Communication and Teaching in Arts and Humanities 15
GM3073 The Medieval Short Story 15
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year

Students whose degree has a non Modern Language component should ensure that between 60 and 90 credits are taken in German over Third and Fourth Year.
MA (Hons) Spanish (Triple Honours): Fourth Year
Code Module name Credits
Spanish Language 3 15 AND
Spanish Language 4: Communication Skills 15 AND
View list Between 0 and 60 credits from Module List: SP3000 - SP4299 (excluding SP4102), ML3201
Literary Translation 15
History of the Spanish Language 15
Spanish Integrated Year Abroad 60
SP3121 Spanish American Literature I (Gauchos and Indians) 15
Spanish American Literature 2 15
SP3123 Spanish Cinema (Topic) 15
SP3124 Spanish Cinema (Director) 15
Mexico in the Nineteenth Century 15
SP3140 Literature and Politics in Spain 1930 - 1939 15
SP3143 Cinema and Literature in Spain 1920 - 1936 15
Post-1975 Writing in Spain 1 15
SP3147 The Art of Subversion in Post-War Spain (1939-1975) 15
The Argentine and Chilean Avant-Garde (1920s-1930s) 15
SP3157 Autobiographical Writing in Twentieth-Century Spain 15
Representations of the Urban: Twentieth-Century Buenos Aires 15
SP3159 Gender and Violence in Golden Age Literature 15
Facing the New: Spanish Literature and Society (1888 - 1918) 15
SP3161 Rebels, Reactionaries, Reformers: Women Writers in Nineteenth-century Spain 15
SP3162 Strange Girls and Domestic Angels: Women's Writing in Spain 15
Tales of the Nation 15
SP3221 Language, Conflict and Society 15
Love and Loss 15
SP4012 Linguistic Study of the Spanish Language 15
Culture and Conflict: Representing the Spanish Civil War 15
SP4014 Spanish Avant-garde(s) 15
Action Heroes and Anti-heroes in Early-Modern Spain 15
SP4016 Contemporary Galician Women Writers 15
(R)evolutions in Early Modern Love Lyric: Perilous, Provocative, Parodic 15
SP4018 Spanish American Urban Landscapes in the Eyes of Contemporary Chroniclers 15
SP4098 Dissertation on a Spanish Topic 15
Long Dissertation on a Spanish Topic 30
History and Culture in Spanish Texts 15
Reality and Illusion 15
Joint Dissertation (30cr) 30
- Not all modules are available in every academic year and/or semester
- Individual modules may have requisites to satisfy to be eligible to select them

For further details, see the entry for each individual module above

Further requirements

Choose 120 credits in academic year

Study abroad

In the case of students who spend part of the Honours programme on a recognised Study Abroad scheme, the Programme Requirements will be amended to take into account overseas courses which are approved by the relevant 91¹û¶³ÊÓƵ School in the Learning Agreement (see ).