
Assessing reflective writing

Audience: Academic staff, Research staff, Research supervisors

Date: Thursday 27 February 2025

Times: 14.00 to 16.00

Programme: Academic Staff Development Programme

Key details: An introduction to Gibbs' reflective cycle model of reflective writing, with small group work and discussion on how to assess and provide feedback on reflective writing. Please read short samples prior to workshop.

Target audience

Any staff member wanting to learn more about reflective writing and how to assess it.

Course pre-work

Before the workshop please review the four samples of reflective writing by Jenny Moon in this Onedrive folder: https://universityofstandrews907-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/hcm_st-andrews_ac_uk/Er66JzJ1IP1IvcxJ_A1nXJgBdYkvcIDaKnoqWmhmbru3sw?e=EpAp9N

Course mapped to

Vitae's Researcher Development Framework domains: D3 (Engagement and impact)

Course information

This workshop will present Gibbs' Reflective Cycle as one model for reflective writing, but please be aware that there are others. You will consider some of the benefits and challenges of setting reflective writing as assessed work, practice assessing examples of reflective writing, and discuss how to assign grades. Please try to before the workshop.

14.00-14.05聽 Activity in chat tool as people arrive
14.05-14.20聽 Welcome & breakout groups: Introduce yourselves, and briefly address the following questions:
  • What are the benefits and challenges of assessing reflective writing?
  • Describe how you already use reflective writing, or could introduce it.
14.20-14.35聽 Report back one point from each group
14.35-14.55聽 Gibbs鈥 Reflective Cycle as a model for reflective writing
14.55-15.00聽 Break
15.00-15.15聽 Breakout groups: Read samples of reflective writing and discuss what stages of Gibbs鈥 cycle are evidenced in each
15.15-15.30聽 Whole group discussion of what 鈥済ood鈥 looks like for each stage of the cycle
15.30-15.40聽 Examples of assessing reflective writing
15.40-15.55聽 Whole group discussion on how to assign grades.

What participants have said about a previous version of this course:

  • A clear tool to reflect was described which is very useful. Working through examples as a smaller group was good.

Aims and objectives

By the end of this workshop you should be able to:

  • Describe each stage of Gibbs' Reflective Cycle
  • Explain what would comprise good performance for each stage of the cycle.
  • Assess and give feedback on samples of reflective writing.


Dr Heather McKiggan-Fee


Boardroom, Gateway

Course provider

Email: osdscourses@st-andrews.ac.uk