
Curriculum Design: Putting Module Proposals through C-View

Audience: Academic staff, Professional staff

Date: Wednesday 26 March 2025

Times: 13.30 to 15.30

Programme: Academic Staff Development Programme

Key details: Microsoft Teams. You will be emailed a calendar invite in advance for you to join on the day.

Target audience

Academic staff involved in teaching and curriculum design.

Course information

This session will take participants through the process of creating and submitting module proposals within C-View. The session will be led by the Associate Deans Curriculum, who will outline best practice and provide guidance about the process. It will be of interest to academic staff who would like to learn how to effectively create and successfully submit proposals (e.g. new modules, or module amendments) for approval by the Curriculum Approvals Group. It might also be of interest to Directors of Teaching, responsible for the School-level approval of these proposals.

What participants have said about a previous version of this course:

  • We were walked through every conceivable bureaucratic trap and told how to avoid it.
  • Go! You will learn a lot, enjoy yourselves, and save a lot of time and hassles in the future.
  • I thought that Anne Smiths approach to explain the rationale and process, and the demonstrate the step-by-step completion of the screens on system were a good way to almost coach us through it.

Aims and objectives

  • Explaining the C-View proposal system
  • Specifying the key information that needs to be provided for module proposals and amendments
  • Illustrating good practice for creation of proposals, and highlighting common errors
  • Explaining how approval is granted


Dr Madhavi Nevader

Dr V Anne Smith

Course provider

Email: osdscourses@st-andrews.ac.uk